Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hollywood is creatively Bankrupt!

Who's running the film business? With one mega budget flop after another, somebody should get fired.This is what happens when hustlers,ass kissers and scumbags rise to the top of the business. And now that they have conned their way to the top, they have no idea what to do. So, they revive and copy what has been done in the past.

With the CGI technology they are able to create huge explosions and giant monsters but at the expense of a good story , interesting characters and good acting.

I recently saw WWZ, with Brad Pitt. As usual, the special effects were the best part of the movie. But as for the story, if you have seen one zombie picture, you have seen them all. As for Mr. Pitt, his performance was similar to what he did in "Money Ball" . This underplay, unemotional persona which passes as real in movies nowadays is boring. In real life people are much more animated.

It seems with some actors when they have success early in life ,  stop growing as an actor. Young actors now will do anything to get a part in film or Tv, except work on their craft. They take acting lessons and maybe do a couple pf plays and think they are ready for the big time.Why not, they see Pitt phoning it in and getting away with it, why not them.

Acting is a skill that has to be practiced and developed . Musicians, athletes, dancers,pool players, golf players, all have to practice. Actors practice by doing theater as much as possible.

Now it seems, if a part requires dynamic acting, the producers have to go to other countries to get accomplished actors doing American accents.