I went to the callback and recognized some of the actors from the audition including Theresa. She knodded her head hello to me so I walked over to where Theresa and some others were talking. They all sounded so optimistic, talking about their auditions for commercials and how some agent said he would work for them. I stood there silently so they wouldn't know how green I was.
The acting class I was taking consisted mainly of people working 9 to 5 jobs and who had not taken the plunge, like myself. But here I was in the company of actors pursuing acting full time and some actually making money at it occasionally. I felt accepted because after all, I was at a callback.
When it was my turn to audition, I walked into a room with 6 people sitting behind a large desk. I felt their eyes burning a whole through me. I made what I thought were the same acting choices I made for the first audition but this time nobody fell out of their chairs. When I came to a line that I thought would get a big laugh, all I heard were a few snickers.
As I was walking out of the room , somewhat dejected that I didn't get the response I expected, One of the people that was in the room came out and asked me if I could sing. I lied and said yes. I have always had a mental block about singing in public ever since I was rejected for the choir when I was 7.He asked me to sing something for him and I said I couldn't remember any songs so he suggested Happy Birthday, What was I to do? I couldn't say I didn't remember that song so I belted out a few lines of Happy Birthday and the producer said thank you very much and walked away.
That evening I got a call that I was cast and given a rehearsal schedule. Maybe they couldn't get anyone else, after all the show had already been reviewed and was going to close in 2 weeks. BUT I GOT THE PART.
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