Monday, August 26, 2013

Where is the anti-war movement?

Where are all those demonstrators during the Viet Nam war and the Iraq war? Our government is considering getting involved in the Syrian civil war on the side of Islamic extremists , who are more of a threat to US security than the Assad regime.

Those days of America going to the rescue of say: South Vietnam being invaded by North Vietnam or a possible future nuclear attack from Saddam , are over because of you anti-war people.  These anti-war demonstrators ignored all of Saddam's atrocities but are so sad because of Assad's atrocities.

Is it just political for these people? Not much demonstration when Clinton bombed the hell out of Yugoslavia, when they were absolutely no threat to us. But after 9-11, when this country was attacked by Islamic extremists , after over 30 years of  Terrorists attacks by different groups from different countries within the Islamic world, the anti-war people demonstrated vigorously. Where are you now?

The top commander of the US military has subtly stated that this is a impossible mission. Russia, Iran and maybe China will use this opportunity to humiliate the US.

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